United Christian Home Schools
Owensboro, KY
Welcome to the UCHS website!
We hope you find it informative and easy to use. We are still in the process of updating and adding things to the site, so check back frequently.
United Christian Home Schools is a support group for Christian homeschool families in Owensboro, Daviess County, and the surrounding counties.
*Meetings, unless otherwise noted, are the 3rd Thursday on a quarterly basis.*
Those who are considering joining UCHS may attend one council hosted meeting a year as nonmembers (this does not apply to activities hosted by individual members).
August 15-
An opportunity to meet council members, ask questions and submit membership applications. Free snow cones. Gaga ball/gym play. Location: Walnut Memorial Baptist Church, Owensboro 6-7:15 pm
September 16th -
Back to School Bash!
Yellow Creek Park
​January 6th-
"Lunch/Crafts for Mom/Movie for kids" Day-
Meet at Beaver Dam McDonald's at 10:45 for lunch.Then move on to Ohio County Library for the remainder of the time from 12:00-1:30.
​February -
Valentine Skate
Edge Ice Center
End of Year Celebration
Elite Air